WP1 (Preparation)

“Self-Assessment: International cooperation in food sciences and viniviticulture”

WP1 serves the purpose of ‘context setting’ and familiarizing the partner universities at the strategy level, particularly when it comes to both internationalization strategies but also strategies for local development and for the oenology and viticulture sector. It consists of an initial self-assessment of the partner institutions and a partner meeting to discuss the strategic areas of focus for both a) module development and b) international academic cooperation when it comes to credit systems, grading, mobility, recognition and other important areas that are important to joint programmes.

WP2 (Development)

“Towards joint/collaborative programmes in viniviticulture”

In WP2, the main academic content of the project is development. Two work groups are formed, one bringing together academics from oenology, viticulture, chemistry, economics and other related faculties that will be collaborating in the design of joint study modules, and one of international relations officers.

The academic workgroup, based on the self-assessment results, has broken down into smaller working groups, each tasked with the development of a study module. Examples are: sparkling wines, viticulture and climate change, sustainability in viticulture treatments, sensory analysis and wine tourism innovation.

The international relations workgroup supported the production of a policy paper that will guide further the implementation of the concept of ‘modularization’ and how it can be used for joint programme development, internationalizing the curricula, etc (the White Paper). It has also supported industry connections, understanding regulations and mapping cooperation and spin-off projects.


WP3 (Development)

“Capacity building for teaching staff: internationalizing local development in the vitivinculture sector”

This WP involves capacity building and training activities for the teaching staff and administrative support staff involved in the development of modules. Each training event involved at least one teaching staff member in the targeted discipline and one admin staff member, who is essential to supporting either international outreach or local outreach/ partnerships. This enhanced the approach of networking institutions and not just teaching staff members.

Each training event had clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes. They were predicated upon good practices existing in the consortium as well as additional local and international experts that were invited. The training events were designed to address specific aspects of the course modules that were developed. Given the pandemic, two events were held online.

WP4 (Development)

Piloting Modules

In this workpackage, each university in a partner country will pilot at least one module in one of their existing study programmes. European partners will assist with the piloting and the training of teaching staff in the partner universities to deliver the new module. Different types of international teaching approaches will be utilized.

Depending on the academic calendar of the partner institutions, the modules can be piloted anywhere between August 2020 and June 2021. This will allow ample flexibility to accommodate different academic calendars. During the pilot, partner country universities will receive a one week visit from a teaching staff member of a European partner university, who will provide consultation/coaching on the teaching of the modules, guest lecturing and collaborative teaching, and will hold meetings with relevant staff to plan future cooperation.

  • 4.1 Action plans for integrating new modules into existing programmes (one per partner institution)  

  • 4.2 Equipment: Research and teaching equipment for food science, viticulture and wine production (depending on partners’ need)  

  • 4.3 New module pilot in existing programmes in Partner country universities (including Visits to support collaborative teaching)

  • 4.4 Refining course modules

WP5 (Quality)

“Quality control”

The quality plan of the project is designed to monitor progress of the project deliverables and to ensure that the outputs of the project are pertinent and relevant to all partners and will have a sustainable impact on the education and research they provide/conduct. The quality plan involves both an ‘internal’ monitoring and feedback mechanism (driven by the quality committee) as well as feedback from ‘outside’ the partnership (two differently oriented external evaluations).

  •  5.1 External project assessment

  •  5.2 Project quality indicators and tools  

  •  5.3 Annual monitoring meetings of the project partnership

  •  5.4 External joint programme development assessment

  •  5.5 Quality committee

WP6 (Dissemination and exploitation)

“Consolidating a global network for local development”

This WP ensures the dissemination of the project outputs more widely, both within Europe, in the partner regions and within the institutions participating in the project. It also takes into consideration the sustainability of the partnership network and of continued collaborative international teaching.


Future launch and sustainability of joint programme

In this work package, which is an extension of WP6, a sustainability and implementation plan is drafted for the project which also details other spin-off collaboration.

WP8 (Management)

“Project Management”