Coordinator: URV

Implementing partners:  TeSaU / GTU  / UChile / UTalca / UNDeC / UNJu

Objectives of the Module:

  • Introduce the current changes and challenges in the tourism domain.
  • Learn about the peculiar organization and development of the wine tourism system.
  • Understand how wine tourism can create new perspectives for local assets and bolster economic and social development.
  • Know about wine tourism innovation and development models involving public and private sectors.
  • Learn about the key conditions, do’s & dont’s for sustainable development of wine tourism destination.
  • Explore the characteristics of particular wine tourism products and experiences.

Content of the Module:

  • Place prosperity based on limited resources (of material / intangible nature) that function as main attraction as long as they are properly valorised and cared for
  • Sustainable and responsible development as a tool to maximize the well-being of the local community in the long term
  • Culture as intimately related to wine (tourism) and a social construct, not just something that we inherited from the past
  • The tourist as an active subject of place transformation
  • Wine tourism business development based on the ability of creating value through innovative collective engagement
  • Territory-society relationships as the main analytical axis of tourism development


  • TeSaU: The module became a part of the already existing MA study program on viticulture and winemaking. First piloting in the 2021–2022 academic year.
  • GTU: The module became a part of the already existing MA study program.
  • UNJu: The module will be built into a new masters aimed at regional projection of the wine sector in Jujuy and the Quebrada de Humahuaca
  • UChile has integrated the module into an existing masters program as an elective that is taught collaboratively with URV.


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